CAMBRIDGE IGCSE Theory PowerPoints (Digital Download)

£49.00 + VAT (if applicable)

We strongly advocate a flipped classroom approach to delivering our resources, which is why we provide free videos for every single point of the IGCSE specification on our YouTube channel at

However, we appreciate that not everyone teaches in the same way and that the flipped classroom method is not for everyone. Maybe you like to mix and match your approach or you simply want to go over a tough topic from the front of the classroom.

To that end, this product is a digital download containing every PowerPoint file that we used to create our videos with all the audio narrations and splash screens removed.

Terms and conditions

This purchase includes a lifetime site licence to use these files within a single institution. The files must only be privately accessible to the staff and students in your institution.

Please make sure these files are not publicly available. If they are uploaded to a learning platform or otherwise shared via your school network, you must make sure they are only accessible internally or otherwise protected by a login.

Your order will be processed within two working days. Please note, our business hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.