Craig ‘n’ Dave 12-month membership

£179.00 + VAT (if applicable)

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Craig 'n' Dave members can log in to the members' area to access and download our classroom resources for 12 months. Our resources support the teaching and learning of Computer Science GCSE and A level.

Becoming a member is the most cost-effective way to access the widest range of our resources. Active members always have access to the very latest resources we produce, but after your membership expires you are welcome to continue to use any resources that you have downloaded, you just wont have access to any new resources we produce. There is no minimum commitment, and you can purchase a new membership at any time.

Our resources are written to exactly match a specification, and work best with a flipped classroom pedagogy using our videos. Our videos provide all the teaching of the theory content necessary to support the activities. Ideal for both experienced teachers and those less confident with the subject. Of course, you can use the resources however you like!

We accept credit/debit card payments and purchase orders. However, we cannot process purchase orders we receive via email. Please place your order here, choose purchase order as your payment method and enter your purchase order details into the form that appears.

As many schools are now operating a "no purchase order, no payment" policy, we cannot process any purchase order without a valid purchase order number. If you do not yet have a purchase order number, please request one from your finance team before placing your order.

Because we accept purchase orders, we need to manually verify each order as it comes in – unfortunately, this means we are not able to automate our member account creation process.

Your order will be processed within two working days. Please note, our business hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.


Resources for OCR J277, AQA 8525 and Edexcel 1CP2 include:

  • Course delivery calendar (1-week and 2-week models).
  • Lesson theory PowerPoints for every specification point.
  • Detailed long-term and lesson by lesson scheme of learning.
  • Lesson plan outlines - one for every lesson for every unit.
  • Starter activity and answer for every lesson.
  • Student workbooks - one for each topic covering every specification point with activities for every lesson.
  • Student workbook model answers ideal for revision, teacher/self/peer marking.
  • Reflection and revision checklists for every topic.
  • End of topic tests with answers.
  • Dedicated bespoke topic to help student to get to grips with answering computational thinking and programming exam questions.
  • Terminology guide with definitions for every technical term in the specification.
  • Programming with Python or C#: Over 118 tasks in 10 workbooks with fully coded solutions, progress tracking spreadsheet, oral feedback framework and a pedagogy guide.
  • Text based adventure game: an 8-stage extended programming project.
  • Extra curricular games development tutorials using Defold IDE & Lua, great for an extra curricular club for the more able at key stage 4.
  • A PDF copy of our 181-page book "Essential Algorithms for Computer Science".
  • Our "Those little extras pack", includes: year 7 internet safety presentation, GCSE taster lesson for Key Stage 3, GCSE options presentation, GCSE transition workbook for Key Stage 3, A level taster lesson for Key Stage 4, A level options presentation, A level induction lesson, A level transition workbook, Careers day presentation, Exam technique presentation, Flipped learning introduction presentation, UCAS and university style interview questions, whiteboard tools: a set of handy slides to assist you in explaining concepts.

You can learn more about how to make the best out of our GCSE resources HERE.

Resources for OCR H406/H446 and AQA 7516/7517 include:

  • Structured Learning Records (SLRs): one for each topic.
  • Teacher marking checklists: one for each topic.
  • Sample examination questions and answers.
  • Hundreds of student activities to support our videos, with answers included.
  • Computational thinking exercises.
  • Course delivery calendar (1-week and 2-week models).
  • Detailed long-term and lesson by lesson scheme of learning.
  • Terminology guide with definitions for every technical term in the specification.
  • Cheat sheets for Boolean algebra, Big O notation, pseudo-code and computational thinking.
  • A set of scalable vector logic gate symbols.
  • Exam Support Guide.
  • Programming with Python or C#: Over 118 tasks in 10 workbooks with fully coded solutions, progress tracking spreadsheet, oral feedback framework and a pedagogy guide.
  • Games development tutorials using Defold IDE & Lua, great for the A'Level programming project, approved by all exam boards.
  • A PDF copy of our 181-page book "Essential Algorithms for Computer Science".
  • A PDF copy of our 63-page book "Documenting Defold programming projects OCR H446".
  • A PDF copy of our 58-page book "Documenting programming projects OCR H446".
  • Reflection and revision checklists for every topic.
  • Our "Those little extras pack", includes: year 7 internet safety presentation, GCSE taster lesson for Key Stage 3, GCSE options presentation, GCSE transition workbook for Key Stage 3, A level taster lesson for Key Stage 4, A level options presentation, A level induction lesson, A level transition workbook, Careers day presentation, Exam technique presentation, Flipped learning introduction presentation, UCAS and university style interview questions, whiteboard tools: a set of handy slides to assist you in explaining concepts.
You can learn more about how to make the best out of our A Level resources HERE.

Licence agreement and terms:

This is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and CraignDave Ltd. The contents of our website and all downloaded files, including but not limited to worksheets, PowerPoint presentations and teaching guides are protected by copyright and are licensed, not sold, to you by CraignDave Ltd for use under the terms below.

Members are not purchasing resources. A membership grants you access to download resources from while your membership is active.

1. Files downloaded from our website may be distributed and shared between teachers (note points 8-9 below regarding trainee teachers) and students at a member school or college. This includes uploading them to a shared intranet, file space or VLE, providing it is password-protected and not open to the public.

2. Teachers and students are not permitted to distribute the resources to any other teacher or student not employed by or on roll at their school. You are not permitted to share our files with any third party in any way.

3. Each school or college within a multi-academy trust must have its own membership. A single membership does not permit you to share downloaded files with other schools within the same academy trust. A single membership is for a single school or college.

4. Files downloaded from our website may be adapted to suit your local context, but adapted files are subject to term 2 above and cannot be resold or distributed as original works.

5. Files downloaded from our website may only be used for classroom or 1:1 teaching. They may not be used for virtual classrooms, self-paced online courses, webinars or online live classes where the student does not attend the member school in person.

6. Memberships run for 12 months from the date they are enabled by CraignDave Ltd. Memberships can be cancelled at any time, but no refunds will be given. Memberships do not renew automatically. Files downloaded before a membership ends may continue to be used by teachers and students at the school or college that purchased the membership.

7. A purchase order is a legal committment to pay for designated products or services. Payment is due within 60 days. Where an invoice remains unpaid, your member account may be suspended. Suspended accounts will be reactivated once we receive payment. Lost membership time due to non-payment of an invoice will not be credited or refunded.

Specific notes about trainee teachers/cover teachers/supervisors/temporary staff:

8. Trainee teachers/cover teachers/supervisors/temporary staff must be made aware that they do not own the resources; they are only licenced to the school in which they are currently placed. They may use them in their own personal lessons but are restricted by copyright to not sharing these in any format/medium with other colleagues/institutions that are not licensed.

9. Trainee teachers/cover teachers/supervisors/temporary staff take responsibility for removing the resources from the institution when they no longer work there; this includes all licensed copies of the work in physical format and digital, including but not limited to copies held on computers, VLEs, cloud storage such as OneDrive and Dropbox and all other storage media.

Specific notes about private tutors:

10. Resources licensed to private tutors are for personal use by the named individual only.

11. Private tutors may provide workbooks and other handouts to their students only. No version of the resources, either in physical or electronic form, may be shared with anyone else or supplied to any other individual or institution that does not have a licence.

Specific note about renewals:

12. To renew your membership, simply purchase another copy of this product. Membership does not automatically renew.

13. At the checkout, make sure to select the "Purchase Order" option and enter your PO number if you wish to pay using this method.

14. When it asks for teacher details, please enter the primary teacher’s contact details; this can be the same as it was last year or a new teacher.

15. Our system will match your school up as an existing subscriber. We will update our records and extend your access by another year.

16. If your renewal date is less than 14 days away, we will renew your membership immediately. If your renewal date is more than 14 days away, we will place your order on hold to process nearer your expiry date so you are not missing out on your remaining membership.